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Guest Bloggers


Archie Allison, volunteer, Patient Voices Network, British Columbia
Patients want to be part of the solution
Richard C. Alvarez, President and CEO, Canada Health Infoway
Innovation is the Key
Lene Andersen, freelance writer and photographer, Toronto
The cost of chronic illness
Wendy Armstrong, Co-chair Health Committee, Consumers' Association of Alberta
Alberta politics "catch up" and Ottawa "drops out"
Frank Austin, stroke survivor and peer counsellor, Kitchener, Ontario
Not enough specialists, not enough time


Mike Barron, President and CEO, Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information
Jason Bosher, freelance writer/editor, New Westminster, BC
The cost of trial and error
Ivy Lynn Bourgeault,  Chair in Health Human Resource Policy, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Progress on HHR issues?
Katharina Kovacs Burns,  Associate Director, Health Sciences Council & Director, Interdisciplinary Health Research Academy, University of Alberta
Alberta Becomes a Member of the Health Council of Canada
Jennifer Bayne, Executive Director (Acting), CVHL/BVCS on behalf of the CVHL/BVCS Board of Directors
Canadian Virtual Health Library on Health Council's clinical practice guidelines video project
Bonnie Brossart, Chief Executive Officer, Health Quality Council (Saskatchewan)
Moving from conversations to action…quality health care across Canada


catherine cook
Dr. Ben Chan , President and CEO, Health Quality Ontario
Comparable Indicators – A powerful tool to drive change
Jeff Cyr, Executive Director, National Association of Friendship Centres
Cultural Competency – Part of creating a new space
Dr. Catherine Cook, Councillor, Health Council of Canada
Creating cultural safety for Aboriginal people in urban health care
Dr. John W. Cowell, CEO, Health Quality Council of Alberta
Sharing is Growing


Dennis Darby, CEO, Ontario Pharmacists' Association
The Ontario Pharmacists' Association comments on Council's 'Decisions, Decisions'
Alexander Dyck and Ingrid Wirth, medical students, University of Saskatchewan
Social Pediatrics in Saskatoon: More than Medicine
Dianne Dyer, President of the College and Association of Registered Nurses of Alberta
College and Association of Registered Nurses Response to Alberta Joining the Health Council of Canada
Katie Dicker, Senior Aboriginal Patient Navigator, St. John's Native Friendship Centre
Navigating Cultural Safety in Newfoundland and Labrador
Cheryl Doiron, former Councillor, Health Council of Canada
Ten years since the Romanow Report: Retrospect and prospect
Rosie Dransfeld - Gemini award-winning Edmonton-based independent documentary filmmaker
It is really hard if you don't feel like you belong in this world


Susan Eng,Vice President -Advocacy, CARP
Home Care – we need more action, fewer excuses

CPGs' role in achieving a comprehensive approach to care


Adele Fifield, CEO, Canadian Association of Radiologists
Canadian Association of Radiologists responds to Council's 'Decisions, Decisions' Report
Pamela C. Fralick, President & CEO, Canadian Cancer Society
1. Fault Lines in the Health Care Bedrock
2. Social Determinants of Health
3. Canadian Home Care Priorities for Seniors


Dean Giustini, UBC Biomedical Branch Librarian, Vancouver General Hospital
Progress in Canadian Health Care Depends on Integrated, Electronic Health (eHealth)
Dr. Brian Goldman, host,  CBC Radio One's "White Coat, Black Art"
Bicycle Helmets - There's Safety in Numbers;
Primary Care at Critical Juncture
Dr. Eric Grief, family physician, Brampton, ON
It's About Time
Nick Grant
Nick Grant, Executive Director, Planning and Innovation Division, BC Ministry of Health
The British Columbia Innovation and Change Agenda


Arlene Hache, Executive Director, Centre for Northern Families in Yellowknife, NT
Patient Engagement Grows From Trust
Simon Hagens, Director - Benefits Realization, Canada Health Infoway
Optimizing the benefits of telehealth
Nadine Henningsen, Executive Director, Canadian Home Care Association
Family - the invisible backbone of the health care system
Dr. John Hirdes, Professor, School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo
Home is where the heart is
Dr. Paul Holyoke, research Director, Saint Elizabeth
Home care: it's about people, families, and their perspectives, not ours


Dr. Alan Katz, Research Director, Department of Family Medicine, University of Manitoba
Why should we care?
Miriam Kaufman, Adolescent Health Specialist, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
Patient Engagement - Finding Your Degree of Involvement
Margaret Keatings, Chief of Interprofessional Practice and Chief Nurse Executive, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto
How Patient Engagement is making a difference at SickKids
Michael Keeling, English  Editor, National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy, Quebec
Social Determinants of Health - National Collaborating Centre for Healthy Public Policy Responds
Jim Keon, President, Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association
Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association responds to Council's 'Generics' Discussion Paper
Dr. Tara Kiran, family physician and researcher at St. Michael's Hospital
Quality of primary care depends on where in Canada you live


Dr. Joel Lexchin, Professor, School of Health Policy and Management, York University
Little Innovation, Lots of Promotion
Debra Lynkowski, CEO, Canadian Public Health Association
Social Determinants of Health - Debra Lynkowski Responds
Dr.Patrice Lindsay, Director, Performance and Standards, Canadian Stroke Network, and Appointed Member, Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
Integration of performance measures into CPGs
Kandice Léonard, Regional Director, Aboriginal Health Programs
We need a new standard of care


Hugh B. MacLeod, CEO , Canadian Patient Safety Institute
1. Comparable Indicators – a focus for conversation on better health care

2. Let's Get Together
Patrick McGowan, professor, University of Victoria - Centre on Aging
New Health Council Report - Self-Management Support (SMS) for Canadians with Chronic Conditions
Kevin Mercer, CEO, Waterloo Wellington Community Care Access Centre
Home Care - We need to translate findings into real solutions


Keith Neuman, Ph.D., Executive Director, the Environics Institute for Survey Research
Making Canada's health care system more culturally responsive to Aboriginal Peoples
Don Newsham, CEO, COACH: Canada's Health Informatics Association
The Future of e-, m-, tele-health: Integration
Kathryn Nicholson, Innovation Award 2010 winner, London, ON
Patient Engagement in Primary Care: What Are the Next Steps?
Jason Nickerson, respiratory therapist and PhD Candidate in population health at the University of Ottawa
We need to break out of the bubble
Sharon Noseworthy, vision loss support and rehabilitation advocate
Worrying about my future


Dr. David Pearce, Self Management Support Fellow, Health Foundation, UK
Empowering Patients - Making It Different in the UK
Dr. Blake Poland, Professor, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Stepping It Up – Let's Begin Now!
Zal Press, Executive Director, Patient Commando Productions
1. An award-winning Canadian video shows the potency of patient story
2. Pumping up the volume on patient voices
Gabriela Palda
Gabriela Prada, Director, Health Innovation, Policy and Evaluation at The Conference Board of Canada
Health Innovation: A National Imperative


Dr. Proton Rahman, Associate Dean, Clinical Research, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University, St. John's, NL
Drug Safety and Effectiveness in Canada
Dennis Raphael, Professor of Health Policy and Management, York University
The Time to Act is Now
Joyce Resin, (former) Executive Director, Community Action at ImpactBC, BC
The Patient's Perspective
Dr. Rob Robson, Principal Advisor, Healthcare System Safety and Accountability
Patients – A Healthcare Resource That Needs More Recognition (2012)
Irving Rootman, Visiting Professor, Department of Gerontology, Simon Fraser University
Social Determinants of Health
Dr. R. J. Riopelle, McGill University; Scientific Director
Filling the CPG production-utilization gap: The Spinal Cord Injury Knowledge Mobilization Network


John Schinbein, Executive Director, COACH's CTF: Canadian Telehealth Forum
Telehealth in Canada – A Real eHealth Success Story
Paolo Scotti, Peer Support Worker, Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto
My experience with the mental health field
Neil Seeman, CEO, RIWI Corporation, Toronto
The promise of online tools for self-management support
Judith Shamian, President of the International Council of Nurses
Collaborative Renewal
Shirlee Sharkey, Pesident and CEO, Saint Elizabeth
Centre Stage: Where Seniors and Caregivers Belong
John Sproule, Senior Policy Director, Institute of Health Economics
Alberta builds on leadership role in health care in Canada
Gail Starr, injured workers advocate and member, Patient Voices Network
Patient Engagement
Daniel Stolfi, actor, writer and producer, Toronto
In search of support: the importance of communication in the heath care system
Ingrid Sketris, Councillor, Health Council of Canada
Health Innovation Portal connects
Dr. Anne Snowdon, Professor and Chair, International Centre for Health Innovation, Richard Ivey School of Business
Health Innovation – the importance of measurement
Dr. Anne Snowdon on Innovatexchange
Dr. Graham Sher, Chief Executive Officer, Canadian Blood Services
Consider this: Canadian Blood Services as a model for pan-Canadian health care service delivery


Dr. Gary Teare, Director of Quality Measurement and Analysis, Health Quality Council Saskatchewan
Better local connections will make better nationwide indicators


David U, President and CEO, Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada
Drug Safety and Effectiveness in Canada - David U Responds


Leslie Varley, Director, Aboriginal Health Program, Provincial Health Services Authority
Indigenous Cultural Competency Training Program


Russell Williams, President, Rx&D (Canada's Research Based Pharmaceutical Companies)
Putting Drugs into Perspective - The Value of Innovation
Nicoleta Woinarosky, volunteer health worker, Ottawa
Why didn't they listen?


Dr. Ahmad Zbib, Manager of Consumer eHealth, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
Your self-management journey - it can be easy
Dr. Ali Zentner, Specialist in Internal Medicine, Obesity and Cardiac Risk Management
Health Indicators? Body Mass Index - A Good Start on a Long Journey
Lynne Zucker, Vice President, Clinical Systems Integration, Canada Health Infoway
EMR Progress in Canada: A Reaction to the January 2013 Health Care Matters Bulletin 7

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